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- Sharing Informal Course Info from participants - Comparing Contending Theories in International Politics 2003
Attached please find my draft on change in Wendt. As you noticed is long, and we
do not have to write everything, but I wanted to cover everything and type Wendt
exact definition so I do not need to do it again for my preparation of the first
exam, Best, Letizia 23 May 2003
Present and explain Alexander Wendt's explanation of international systemic
How do the following authors explain the same phenomenon: Morghenthau, Waltz,
Kaplan, Gilpin and Keohane?
In order to answer the question, I will first define what Wendt claims is an
international system change, then, in order to explain it, I will first present
Wendt's definition of the international structure and its relationship with the
agents. I will, then describe Wendt evolutionary model of identity formation,
and is causal theory of collective identity formation. (Then link with the other
Change, in Wendt's opinion, involves change in the principle that regulates the
system. It is a change in the "culture of anarchy" that dominates the system.
The "culture of anarchy" is described as a Hobbesian culture, in which states
view each other as enemies, Lockean culture, in which states view each other as
rivals, and Kantian culture, in which states view each other as friends.
Cultures are shared ideas which help shape states' identities and interests, and
generate tendencies in the international system.
Wendt argues that "Once understood as a culture it is hard to sustain the
argument that the deep structure of international politics has never changed.
For much of international history states lived in a Hobbesian culture where the
logic of anarchy was kill or be killed. But in the seventeenth century European
states founded a Lockean culture where conflict was constrained by the mutual
recognition of sovereignty. This culture eventually became global, albeit in
part through a Hobbesian process of colonialism. In the late twentieth century I
believe the international system is undergoing another structural change, to a
Kantian culture of collective security…. With each change the international
system has achieved a qualitatively higher capacity for collective action,
despite its continuing anarchic structure. States periodically have made
something new of anarchy." (preface)
Wendt definition of change is based on a three basic assumptions regarding the
nature of the international system and its relation with the states (agents):
1. The structure of international politics is social rather than strictly
material. Saying that is social rather than strictly material, it means that it
has 3 components:
" Ideational (cultural). It implies an intersubjective understanding, shared
knowledge. E.g. cooperative, security community, common interests, or
conflictual, security dilemma, common aversion.
" Material resources (distribution of capabilities.). However what is important
is the meaning given to the distribution of capabilities. It is a socialized
view of material resources through shared knowledge that is compatible with.
" Practice that produces reactions since social structure exists in process not
in theory.
2. The structure shapes actors' identities and interests rather than just their
behavior, and generates tendencies in the international system. "Identity and
interests are endogenous to interaction and thus a dependent variable in
process." Interests and identities are constructed by historically contingent
interaction, therefore are always in process during interaction.
3. States behave on the basis of shared knowledge and expectations. Things are
done by practice and shaped by ideas.
Constructivist basic assumptions are based on structuration theory, which
conceptualizes agents and structure as mutually instituted and codetermined.
Wendt says that both the structure and the agents are equal explanatory
In this perspective, anarchy (the absence of a centralized authority higher than
the states) explains little by itself, since the meaning of anarchy is socially
constructed through shared knowledge, ideas and practice. Anarchy is therefore
"what states make of it." "An anarchy of friend is different than an anarchy of
enemies." It is related with culture, on the conception of self and others.
Based on this notion of structure, Wendt claims that the most important vehicle
for changing the system it occurs as a change of collective identity.
"Structural change in international politics involves collective identity
formation" (Wendt p. 317). Since the structure of an internalized culture is
associated with collective identity, the change in the structure will involve a
change of collective identity. The breakdown of an old identity and the
emergence of a new one. When Wendt talks about structural change, he, therefore,
means cultural change. "Structural change occurs when actors redefine who they
are and what they want." (p.336)
Wendt claims that "Identities are constituted by both internal and external
Two kinds of ideas can enter into identity, those held by the Self and those
held by the Other" (Wendt p. 224).
Identity develops through:
" Repeated interactions and
" Intersubjective believes: world views ; principles believes, causal believe.
These produce concept of constitutive rules that explain not only identities but
also transformation of behavior.
He says that "there are several kinds of identities" - 4 to be precise - and
that collective identities "takes the relationship between Self and Other to its
logical conclusion, identification. "Collective identities means that actors
make the welfare of the group an end in itself." (p. 337). Collective identities
are relationship and issue specific.
(p. 317) " The constructivist model is saying that the boundaries of the self
are at stake in and therefore may change or be sustained by interaction."
Collective identity evolves through 2 kinds of selection: natural and cultural,
however from the Lockean to the Kantian natural selection is relatively
unimportant and Wendt focuses on cultural selection. "Cultural selection is an
evolutionary mechanism involving the transmission of the determinants of
behavior from individual to individual," (Wendt p. 324) and entails a mechanism
based on two elements:
" Imitation
" Social learning
Imitation and social learning are believed to can go deeper than have only
behavioral effects (Waltz) and possibly have "construction effects on identities
and interests" (p. 327).
"To summarize: the basic idea is that identities and their corresponding
interests are learned and then reinforced in response to how actors are treated
by significant Others. If the Other treats the Self as though it was an enemy,
then by the principle of reflected appraisal it will likely internalize a belief
in its own role identity vis-ŕ-vis the Other." (p.327)
"Ego and Alter are not blank slates, and what they bring to their interaction
will affect its evolution. They bring two kind of baggage, material in the form
of bodies and associated needs, and representational in the form of some a
priori ideas about who they are. (p.328)
Change is possible, because collective identity is structured and always in
process. It is the process of the changing of identity that brings the change of
the interests.
Wendt develop a general, evolutionary model of identity formation, showing how
identities are produced and reproduced in the social process.
Identity and structural change, however, are not the same. There is a
constitutive relation between the two because they are mutually constituted,
however identity is a process at the micro level, while structural change
happens ultimately at the Macro, but the latter supervenes the former (p.338).
To say that structure is socially constructed, is no guarantee that can be
changed. It depends on changing a system of expectation. It does not imply that
is easy, on the contrary, "culture has a natural homeostatic tendencies, and the
more deeply it is internalized by actors the stronger those tendencies will be."
(p. 315) Socially shared knowledge plays a key role in making interaction
relatively predictable over time, generating homeostatic tendencies that
stabilize social order. Culture, in short, tends to reproduce itself, and indeed
must do so if it is to be culture at all." (p.187) Change therefore it is
difficult because culture tends to maintain the structure constitutive
normative. Each actors in fact confront the culture of the society as a given
(homeostatic). This poses a significant explanatory question: "How can states
make a new culture of anarchy when the structure of the existing one disposes
them to reproduce it?"
Wendt claims that change is possible when actions undermine existing structure
and generate new ones. When enough important actors change their behavior and a
"tipping point is crossed" (p. 340) Collective representations are
"frequency-dependency " in that they depend for their existence on a sufficient
number of representations and/or behaviors at the micro-level. Cultural change
requires "not only that identities change, but that the frequency and
distribution cross a threshold at which the logic of the structure tips over a
new logic.
Fundamental change occurs when actors throughout their practice change rules and
constitutive norms. (constitutive norms are the ones that require a mutual
understanding). International system change has, therefore, to be normative.
Wendt continues saying that "structural change is also path-dependent, since
collective identity formation takes place not on a tabula rasa" (p. 340)
Wendt then, examines 4 causal mechanism or "master variables" that can explain a
structural change from a culture to another, he calls it "causal theory of
collective identity formation under anarchy". These 4 "master" variables are:
" Interdependence
" Common fate
" Homogenization
" Self-restraint
The significance of these variables is to undermine egoistic identities and help
create collective one.
Wendt says that the "first 3 variables are active or efficient causes of
collective identity, the last one is the enabling or permissive cause" (p. 343)
"Self-restraint therefore plays a key role in the story" because enable states
to overcome the fear of being "engulfed by the Other."" Creating this trust is
the fundamental problem of collective identity formation and it is particular
difficult in anarchy, where being engulfed can be fatal" (p.358)
The key to self-restrain is self-binding that "tries to allay Alter's anxiety
about Ego's intentions through unilateral initiatives, with no expectation of
specific reciprocity." (p. 362). E.g. unilateral decision to give up certain
technologies (Ukraine did with nuclear weapons). To conclude "Self-restarian
generates collective identity only in conjuction with the other factors in the
model, but its role in the combination is essential." (p.363)
Wendt acknowledges that he has not offered a "complete theory of structural
change" (p. 364). Wendt analysis leaves two unanswered questions:
1. How are the 4 masters variables instantiated?
2. How identity changes, that is at the MIRCO-LEVEL, changes the MACRO-LEVEL?
p. 264-265: " Macro-level structures only exist in virtue of instantiations at
the micro-level, which means that whatever logics the former have depends on
actors acting in certain ways. In most cases, however, micro-level role
relationships are embedded in macro-level, collective representations.
Collective representations have a life of their own that cannot be reduced to
actors' perceptions or behavior. As more and more members of a system represent
each other as enemies, eventually a "tipping point" is reached at which these
representations take over the logic of the system.….It is in terms of positions
within this structure that actors make attributions about Self and Other, rather
than in terms of their actual qualities. The result is a logic of interaction
based more on what actors know about their roles than on what they know about
each other's "minds." This in turn generates emergent patterns of behavior at
the macro-level.
Wendt says that " we should not treat structure and process as different levels
of analysis…. There are two levels of analysis (micro and macro), yes but both
are structured, and both instantiated by process… Social processes are always
structured, and social structured are always in process." (p. 186)