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Class-Defined Main Test9

Theory-name Constructivist Theories -Theory of Int'l Politics which works

on both the micro and macro level -Wednt

Theory-Purpose Develop a theory of international system as social

constructivism. Account for identity and intersts, show how

Note What: a theory of International Politics which works on both

a micro and macro level. An approach to understand states

identity, how they develop and change.


1. Human beings and their organization are purposefull

actors whose actions help to produce or transform the

society in which they live.

2. Society is made up of social relationships between actors.

3. Properties of actors and of social structures are both

relevent to explanation of social behavior.

Structuration Theory = Solution to agent structure problem =

Mutual Constituted or co-determined entities.

Structure and agents co-determine each other Wednt. P. 350

Belief in Structuration theory is based on Scientific Realism

(effects based on unobservables and __________). Therfore

when trying to explain international Politics agent and

structure have equal causal capacity Have to give equal

Definition-power Power is both material and discursive [ideas, culture--].

"Deep structure of power politics, international

System-Change- Change based on internal and external.

When trying to explain internat Pol: agent and structure have

System-Change- socially constructed affected by state behavior, identity and


Ordering principle depends on intersubjectivity -Wednt p.85.

Structuration Theory = Solution to agent structure problem =

Mutual Constituted or co-determined entities. [and identities]


Structure and agents co-determine each other Wednt. P. 350

Belief in Structuration theory is based on Scientific Realism

(effects based on unobservables and __________). Therfore

when trying to explain international Politics agent and

structure have equal causal capacity Have to give equal

weight to agent and structure.

More powerful the actors ; more entrenched culture, difficult

to change;

Change difficult but possible

Changed can be caused by change in collective identity.

Process of changing the nature of identity: 4 variables:

Interdependance, Self Restraint; Common Fate;

What-necesary- 1. Human beings and their organization are purposefull

actors whose actions help to produce or transform the

society in which they live.

2. Society is made up of social relationships between actors.

3. Properties of actors and those of social structures are

Limitation Better at describing the past than anticipating the future

notes:left out how master values go up & down? How micro

level change transfer to macro level?

Tuesday, 20 May, 2003 Page 9 of 10
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