| Number sort to | 01.0m |
| Class-Defined | Main Test9 |
| Theory-name | Realism [ according to Morgenthau = Classical? |
| Theory-Purpose | States engage in balancing power which is likely to produce |
| stability. Effect is that Int'l system can produce stability in |
| Note | 1.Political realism believes that politics, like society in |
| general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots |
| in human nature. 2.international politics -- concept of interest |
| defined in terms of power. |
| 3. Realism assumes that its key concept of interest |
| defined as power is an objective category which is |
| universally valid, but it does not endow that concept with a |
| meaning that is fixed once and for all. |
| 4. Realism maintains that universal moral principles cannot |
| be applied to the actions of states in their abstract universal |
| formulation, but that they must be filtered through the |
| concrete circumstances of time and place. |
| 5. Political realism refuses to identify the moral aspirations |
| of a particular nation with the moral laws that govern the |
| universe. |
| 6. "difference" =political realist maintains the autonomy of |
| the political sphere, as the economist, the lawyer, the |
| moralist maintain theirs. Political realist asks: "How does this |
| policy affect the power of the nation?" p16 = For only by |
| deceiving himself about the nature of politics and the role he |
| plays on the political scene is man able to live contentedly |
| as a political animal with himself and his fellow men. |
| Morgenthau,Brief Edition 1993 p.4-16 |
| ======================= |
| Definition-power | Ability to coerce, ability to control others, ) 0 sum quality to |
| power. Power is and end in itself. BOP = situation of |
| System-Change- | support status quo or bipolar |
| System-Change- | .. |
| What-necesary- | Relies on objective national interests; relied on assumption |
| of power, rationality a and balance of power. NAIC Keohane |
| Limitation | Assumes states act like individuals with "will to power". |
| Blames a small number of behavior traits for conflict while |
| ignoring more benign aspects of human nature which point in |
| the other direction. NAIC Keohane p.11 j |
| |
| Failure to explain varieties in warfare over time and space. |
| If human nature is constant why shouldn't warfare be |
| constant? NAIC Keohane p.11 |
| |
| Separates the spheres of economics, religious-moral from |
| politics. |
| |
| No theory of peaceful changes. Put whatever faith he had in |
| diplomacy NAIC Keohane, p 203 |
| |
| failed to distinguish between power as a resource and power |
| as ability to influence other's behavior. |
| BOP = situation of equilibrium as well as any situation in |
| which power struggles take place. double meaning lead to |
| difficulties for Morgenthau |
| Tuesday, 20 May, 2003 | Page 2 of 10 |