The Graduate Center of CUNY - Course Posts
Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science
- International Politics and Relations with Special Focus on ______________________
number | Description | URL |
Marsha B. Cohen's, International Relations, News and Research Resources, Department of International Relations, Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199 USA | | |
International Relations - Prepared by: Iza Laponce · General Resources/Information · Major Sites for International Relations · · Peace, Security and Defence · Terrorism ·· Nationalism, Ethnic or Religious Conflicts · International Economic Development· Non-Governmental Organizations · International or Supranational Organizations · | | |
Virtual Resources: International Relations Research Resources on the Web - by Ronald J. Deibert, University of Toronto | | |
International Relations Data Site, created and maintained by Paul Hensel of the Department of Political Science at Florida State University. This site includes seven pages of links to on-line data resources for the serious international relations scholar, as well as the introduction page that you are currently reading. These pages are meant to include the most useful data sources on processes of international conflict and cooperation, as well as data covering international economic, environmental, political, and social data and data on similar topics for the United States. | | |
descriptive list of existing IR paradigms, approaches and theories. Suggest updates to Maintained as an on-going project and knowledge resource - developed and enhanced over time. IR Paradigms, Approaches and Theories | | |
United Nations : DESA : Gateway to Social Policy and Development: Home. Expert Group Meeting. Supportive Environment for Cooperatives: A Stakeholder Dialogue on Definitions, Prerequisites and... | | |
Cooperatives and Sustainable Development :Bridging government initiative and people's participation in rural development (1998) ; Business lessons for handloom co-operatives (1998); Co-operative Agenda 21; Cooperatives -- Silent Giants; Co-operatives and Sustainable Human Development, Co-ops & Human Sustainable Development: Asia/Pacific, Co-ops & Human Sustainable Development: The Americas, Co-ops & Human Sustainable Development: Europe, Co-ops & Human Sustainable Development: Global Perspective, Co-ops & Human Sustainable Development: West Africa ; Coops & the Implementation of UN Agenda 21; Report on Cooperatives and the Environment to the 1992 ICA Congress in Tokyo; Women and Environment: Views from the ICA Women's Committee; Sustainability in Costa Rica . -United States | |
Co-operative Information Superhighway. This is
an official site of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA),
the apex organisation of the international co-operative movement. It
aims to be the clearing house of information on co-operatives
worldwide and from all sectors. It is also the gateway to ICA sites. ICA America ICA Asia & The Pacific ICA Africa ICA President -- Specialised Bodies ... offices in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. At present the following regional office ... Americas, Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Africa Co-operatives by sector Search for co ... | | |
The ICA is an international non-governmental organisation which unites, represents and serves co-operatives worldwide. The ICA International Co-operative Web Site contains information on the International Co-operative Alliance, its aims and activities and information on the co-operative movement in different economic sectors: agriculture, banking, credit, consumer, energy, fisheries, housing, insurance, workers, tourism and health care, and from all continents as well as links to other sites and issues of interest to co-operators. | | |